Searching for a Non-Paranoid Theory of Donald Trump 

Steve Benen for The Rachel Maddow Show blog:

For eight years, Republicans have accused President Obama of encouraging U.S. enemies and discouraging U.S. allies. America’s longtime friends, GOP politicians have said, are no longer sure they can count on support from the United States as a result of Obama’s foreign policy. The bizarre argument has always been wrong, but ironically, it’s poised to become true in the Republican administration that takes power on Friday.

It’s completely understandable why Donald Trump feels compelled to argue Russian interference did not swing the election. On the other hand, where is the explanation of why Trump prefers Russia to Western Europe? Or what he admires about Putin? 5-10 years ago when some Republicans were drooling over China, you could understand it as admiration for perceived economic growth. What about Russia in 2017 seems worthy of emulation?

Please, if you have a non-paranoid theory of Donald Trump and Russia, please share it.

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