
Casual opinions of Apple seem to be reaching the negativity of many hardcore fans, if for different reasons.

Yet another example of Apple actually not being good at software and everyone else seems to be better at software than Apple is.... For all that Apple can make really beautiful devices – and used to make really beautiful operating systems – its software has never been all that great and ultimately a streaming service is a piece of software and they just don’t have the user experience people want.

– Felix Salmon, discussing Apple’s acquisition of Shazam on Slate Money, “May the Fox Be With You Edition”

This comment about Apple was offered up as a concluding remark with full approval from his co-hosts. It wasn’t even an argument buffered by recent high profile operating system bugs in iOS and macOS.

It was simply Apple doesn’t make very good software anymore full stop, no dissent, time for an ad read. If anything, the comment is less charitable than a typical ATP broadside.

Basically, public sentiment of Apple’s software quality really seems to be cratering, high customer sat notwithstanding.

I can’t imagine not using Apple software. I’d give up the hardware before the software. And maybe this is an inevitable result of being the de facto provider for a swath of the chattering class, but I hope someone at Apple is figuring out how to get back into everyone’s good graces and not just with the iMac Pro crowd.

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