• 2015-02-13 12:29 PM

    “… the future of technology has always looked like a pretty toy to people comfortable with the past.” – Benedict Evans

  • 2015-02-04 2:44 PM

    The problem with the G.O.P. isn’t callousness, greed, or even self-righteous asshattery. It’s all of the magical thinking: Take the new ... read more

  • 2015-02-03 1:15 AM

    “[The recent measles] outbreak has fueled a backlash against the anti-vaccine movement that is likely to be counterproductive. Dr. James ... read more

  • 2015-02-01 2:15 PM

    “[I]f the data were good for the company, they would have made them public.” – Tom Slee’s The Sound of Silence Rule with applications to ... read more

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