Never Meet Your Heroes 

When you get wealthy, when you get famous, it doesn’t change you. It only amplifies who you are deep down inside. If you’re just a grumpy guy, then you’re just an extra grumpy guy.

– Dan Auerbach of The Black Keys after meeting Steve Miller of the eponymously named Steve Miller Band

Mark Kirk Goes Full RINO to Save Senate Seat 

While Illinois’s Republican senator runs toward the center, Wisconsin’s Ron Johnson does not. Instead, he’s in full-embrace of the G.O.P.:

It’s a team sport. I try and support members of my team, who, by and large, we’re in agreement on a large percentage of the issues… I’m not really interested in busting up the team.… I actually have principles.

Yes. Horrible, horrible principles.

Speaking of Ron Johnson, check out

Black Widow Is Finally Being Incorporated Into More Marvel Branded Products

Missed opportunity for using the Scarlet Witch.

Also who doesn’t want Steve Rogers guarding their goodies?

Panic Mongers 

Dan Drezner explains how to make money off of Donald Trump by giving talks and advising financial firms.

Trump’s less visible effect is the low-level panic that he has set off in the financial world, which mean people like me get the occasional honorarium or trip to Paris.

Sure it’s good to be the king, but I guess it’s also good to be the guy who tells you about the big bad king we might suffer.

Kiss Me I Voted

Hey, I promise I voted, but turnout was so high for Wisconsin’s Presidential Primary on the Upper Eastside there were no more stickers.

Or maybe it was a swell of voting for the Milwaukee County Executive race? Or the State Supreme Court?

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